More frequently, however, the term is being referred to a style which includes the chin and mustache, and usually the hair along the sides of the mouth. But then by the 1990s, the term was also used to address a style of facial hair that combines a chin beard and a short mustache. Overall, there's been a permanent row about whether this style is correctly called a goatee or a Van Dyke. So now goatees lovers can skew '90s revivalist, but it's been on the new trends trail over the past few years as an alternative to sporting a full beard. “I always advise men to grow in more than just the goate area to start with,” says Jonathan O'Leefe from The Modern Man Barber Shop.
From just having fun by growing a small goate to going full-fetched Zach Galifianakis, there's plenty of sensible reasons to take a break from your razor this summer! That's not just because it can speed up your morning routine (w/o the whole shaving process). Health researches show that growing a beard is actually the key to keeping yourself younger-looking and cancer-free. That way a thick beard doesn't just bars you from rubbing that precious natural skin oil off of your face, but it also protects the face! Namely, it shields your skin from wind exposure, which unopposed can often lead to redness and dryness.
1. Sun Protection
According to the latest research conducted by the University of Southern Queensland in Australia, beards block up to 95 percent of the sun's UV rays, which can play a huge role in preventing basal-cell carcinomas (the biggest form of all cancers).
Key stats to understands: Four out of five cancer cases among men appear on the face, head, or neck. There's more to it, the sun is the reason of up to 80 percent of the visible signs of aging. So while facial hair won't keep your forehead from developing Jack Nicholsonesque creases and bald spots, it will keep the bottom half of your face looking younger and even more importantly, healthier.
2. Natural Moisture
You probably were not aware, that your face has its own built-in moisturizing schedule. Note, that it's called sebaceous glands (oil glands for short) and, according to doctor Prewer, it secretes a natural oil that keeps skin moisturized.
Kissing a man with a beard is a lot like going to a picnic. You don't mind going through a little bush to get there! —Minnie Pearl
If you're interested in more fact proven details on the pros of having a beard, just to name a few, here are five doctor-approved reasons to let your beard grow.
3. Masculinity maxed out
There's a simple reasoning behind the fact that you'd never steal a lumberjack's gal away! It goes that the more facial hair a man has, the more masculine both men and women perceive him to be, according to a poll, conducted and published by the Evolution and Human Behavior science journal. If raw, unadulterated masculinity is what everyone's looking for, let your beard hang as low as it can! This means that anyone who's looking to impress the opposite sex, must skip the razor for 10 glorious days in a row, at the very least!
4. Spots-Free Skin
Skipping a meeting with a razor doesn't just hide blemishes and spots, it actually prevents them. “Razor rash, acne, and folliculitis [hair-follicle inflammation] are oftentimes the result that the shaving process holds,” said Dr. Brandon C. Prewer, a fellow of the Osteopathic College of Dermatology and a head dermatologist at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. "Razors sharply irritate the skin and even spread bacteria, causing an infection of the hair follicle."
5. Trapped Allergens
The hair inside your nostrils attract much more harmful stuff and bacteria than you think they do. In addition to what you see in a tissue, nose hairs trap pollutants that can easily cause your body a very real harm.
Just be sure to treat your beard like any other filter and wash it regularly. So the more hair you have under your airways (read: the bigger your beard is), the more pollutants you're snaring every day, according to Dr. Clifford W. Bassett, Allergy and Asthma Care of NY medical director.
As a long time beard owner, I support all these pros stated above. Just tell it to my girlfriend, as she hates how barbed my kisses are.
Yeah, unfortunately women don't really like beards when it comes to kissing.